Which kinds of people can eat spicy food? which can not?
How to remove the feel of spicy? How to relief fever?
How can avoid acne caused by spicy foods?
Many people love spicy foods, well, what attraction does the spicy foods have?
Here we introduce some classic cuisine in Chinese spicy food and several from abroad, making you taste all over the world. In the mean time, we give a detailed analysis and explanations about the above questions.
We select out the easiest way of cooking: fry, roast, stew, steam,etc., matching with classic cuisines, plus food stories that can stimulate appetite and make you feel sweet. In addition, we carefully select hundreds of recipes for spicy foods, its comprehensive contents and photos resonate the food experience with you, and even can be an instruction for you to be a good cook, it can also give reference for food workers.
Not only can the spicy foods bring you a sense of enjoyment, but they can also be food for your health. We also provide some solutions for problems caused by eating spicy foods. For example, we should eat sour fruit after have spicy meals, match spicy foods with coarse grain, etc. It is of great importance of eating, whether the food is delicious or not depends on its taste. An feast on your tip of tongue, a stimulation of your sense of taste, the stimulating and sweet app will lead you to find the best favor.
【Characteristics of the app】
Hundreds of exquisite photos
Careful selection of Chinese and abroad spicy cuisines
An three dimensional reading experience
【Customer reviews】
It is a decent app to stimulate your appetite and make you feel sweet.
--Shirley, magazine editor
I’ll give my sincere praise for this app, it reminds me of the foods that my mother making at home.
I love it, it’s a must book for rookies that don’t cook but love the spicy foods.
【About us】
AppCarrier is a cloud platform which can rapidly make mobile apps without programming. It transforms traditional information, books and other publications to multimedia interactive 4D apps with game and film style. ‘Cool reading’ is our principle. We are devoted to providing readers with better and newer 4D reading materials!
PS: You can retrieve all AppCarrier products by entering “xxt” in the search box.
【Contact us】
E-mail: appcarrier@126.com
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